Artist Statement.
I paint and draw what excites me. The new works in the portfolio are personal experiences. Giving an example, I like to be inspired by the landscape in all its facets. My paintings often begin with a picture or an idea. I see an image and want to rediscover and re-create. I look for ways to make this happen. The choice
of the materials, the kind of carrier, and the way in which I put the paint on the canvas plays an important role. It is like a journey. I use what I discover and I react on what happens on the canvas.
Lambert Oostrum
Man, born 01-04-1955 in Schiedam, the Netherlands.
Worked and lived until 2007 as an artist in Rotterdam in the Netherlands.
Works and lives since 2008 in Almelo in the Netherlands.
1982-1986, Royal Academy of Arts, Den Haag, the Netherlands
department: painting, drawing, design, degree 1986
Winner Alfons Blomme Award
Workshop European Ceramic Workcentre,'s Hertogenbosch, the Netherlands
Winner jury price Herman Krikhaar award
Nominated for the HermanKrikhaar award
Nominated for Art Overijssel
2022 Winner jury price Herman Krikhaar award
What you see is what you see.